
Showing posts from January, 2020

Everglades Trip

Everglades Adventure Bike Riding at Sunset I recently took a trip through a community college to the Everglades National Park. During this trip, I learned in a hands on environment about the ecology and beauty of this unique habitat. My instructor prefaced the trip by saying, "Don't expect to find yourself down there. Expect your mind to be jumbled up and needing rearranging. You will leave with many more questions than answers." I can attest to this statement being 100% true. Snorkeling in Bahia Honda During this adventure, our group went snorkeling in the coral reefs off of Bahia Honda Key, biked through Shark Valley, explored an abandoned Nike missile site from the cold war, canoed in the labyrinth of mangroves, watched the one of a kind sunset from our campground in Flamingo, and went chest deep in the cypress swam, getting a closeup encounter with one of Florida's American Alligators. Red-Shouldered Hawk I learned first hand about human natur